Walking down Fitzroy st last night i see a fucking Cold Rock has opened! When did this happen and why did i not notice?! I'm round those parts a lot and never noticed it and to make matters worse i left my wallet at home and only had a couple bucks left after dinner so had to make do with a Golden Gaytime - IT AINT WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE MY ENGLISH FRIENDS, BAIT NAME BUT BOOM ICE CREAM!

Anyway, Cold Rock tonight dun know!
I think it's been there for ages, only happened across it last summer. Need one in the city that's open 24 hrs haha!
I think it's been there for ages, only happened across it last summer. Need one in the city that's open 24 hrs haha!
yeah man, gold gaytime's are BIIIIG! I dunno how i missed that place, really dont!
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