Monday, January 12, 2009


I'm 12 days late into my new years resolution to get healthy-ish. The weekend saw a silly amount of beer, vodka and shots, along with a 15 fried dumplings, a souvlaki, 2 double quarter pounders, a double cheeseburger, a big mac, a regular quarter pounder, 20 nuggets, fries a plenty and 2 ice cream sundae's. There's something satisfying about strolling the couple hundred yeards or so to McD's on a hungover weekend morning and stuffing myself while reading the paper...

BUT today is the start of a new me (i swear!). I've not smoked all day (i even cut up my last half packet this morning), drunk loads of water, ate 2 bananas (anyone that knows me knows i dont go out of my way to find fruit) and i'm even going to the gym after work - the fact that its located in my building and i've only been in it once in over 2 years is pretty bad! I even woke up and had a swim before work. I did however eat 4 pieces of cake just now in celebration of someone's birthday, but if i'm being real about things i know theres no way of me changing my love of bad food, so i just have to counteract it with no smoking and using the gym. There's also the fact that i should really put some weight on, although this seems to be next to impossible for me no matter how much and how often i eat!


Anonymous said...

Double quarters are the best shit in the world.

Mr Bananas said...