Yep its that time again, Westgate Bridge party time! As with last time its a not very well kept secret, but guaranteed to be fucking immense! I was very sceptical of the last one as it was the first illegal outside party i had been to in Australia and seeing how the authorities can be pretty killjoy about things over here i thought its bound to be A) not very good, B) just full of wastepeople and C) gonna get locked off as soon as the first system fires up, but no i was proven wrong on all acounts. A load of us went down and had a heavy time. This one looks to be even better with 9 systems each bringing different sounds and with Wu-Tang on earlier in the night this is gonna be the main draw for the after party (for anyone that has some self respect at least and dont wanna roll down to some boojy Chapel St venue)...and its Halloween so expect a load of Vampiresses etc

All kicks off at 9pm under The Westgate, Port Melbourne side
Big up Subbass!
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