With the new year approaching i thought i'd let you know whats coming in the next few months for NINE HIGH. As anyone who's been checking for us would know Felony and Scotty had to leave the country at the end of 2007 due to visa's expiring, but not before a smasher of a show at Revolver. Now this is when things became a bit of a nightmare! Having your crew spread all over the place does not bode well for getting shit sorted. At this point we had two mixtapes recorded ready to roll that just needed mix downs. One was just us and the second one was purely for ozzie promo and featured ozzie guests on each track, amongst others Ciecmate, Newsense, Mantra, Phrase, Reason, Autism...unfortunately none of this is likely to see the light of day now! We had bare problems getting the stuff mixed down due to all manner of reasons and they're now languishing on someone's harddrive somewhere and so we've pretty much given up on seeing them again!? Apologies to the mc's who featured and also to the people who were expecting copies, but this was all out of our hands to be honest.

We did however manage to get the album sorted hurrah! Recorded all at Sevensick's studio in Oakleigh before everyone's departure, we've held onto it as we saw no point releasing it until we were all in one place again which is now looking to be early next year. The albums all mixed down and going to mastering in the next couple of weeks and is an absolute stonker! Its 15 tracks long, no guests, we dont need any. Beat wise its stoopid, featuring M-Phazes (Superstition / Pharoahe Monch etc), Jase (Obese), Ghost Town (Foreign Beggars / Dubbledge), Thunderclaps (Ghetto), cuts by Flagrant. It's coming out on TAOS (obviously, stay tuned for soon coming announcements about other TAOS signee's...its a new dawn!) March-ish, with a video dropping just before that for 'Fugs needs hugs (M-Phazes RMX)' and a tour planned for April/June when Felony arrives back in the country.
Talking of Felony (www.myspace.com/felonyuk), he's been busying himself in the studio back in England with producer Loco and will soon be releasing his own CD (not sure right now if its gonna come out as a mixtape or album) of original stuff. I heard a little piece of it when i was back in August and believe me its seeeeerious!
Scotty meanwhile has recently released his 'FuckYouBars Vol.1' mixtape, pure fire from start to end. Grab it from www.myspace.com/scottyhinds and if you're around this weekend then come check out the launch party at Miss Libertines alongside Flagrant, Mexi and Cammo.
Scotty Hinds
Myself (www.myspace.com/fraksha), i'll be putting my solo out through TAOS sometime in '09. I started recording it this year and got half way through it, but a few personal drama's put it on hold for a piece, but i'll be starting up on it again soon. I've been recording it with Phazes so you know its gonna be a smasher beatwise. Also has Mules and Jase on a couple cuts too. I'm on a few features around and about too (Maggot Mouf's mixcd / Choose Mics pre-album / Reason album and a few others) and you can always be sure i'm on the mic at most dubstep and grime events around town.

Thats it right now! I got a few myspace messages asking whats happening so instead of typing a lot of stuff to each one (i feel the carpal tunnel coming on strong!), i thought i'd put it down in one loooong thing. Ok, now just wait for the album....www.myspace.com/ninehigh
Mayorettes are backup dancers and security. Haha.
Looking forward to new tunes...
haha, i'll supply the pom poms
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