Long weekends plus the arrival of a friend from England left me in quite the pickle this past weekend (and Wednesday + Thursday!).
Started out at the GoFontUrself exhibition at Don’t Come gallery. I felt extremely old at this surrounded by all the hipster haircuts and ‘wacky’ glasses. It was one of them nights where you wish you had a gun. Wasn’t a big fan of the work on show really. Drunk as many Asahi’s as we could until they ran out and then hit the bottlo and back to mine where we got nicely sozzled and I ended up in bed before 10.30pm! Not before causing maximum noise on my balcony and no doubt pissing off my neighbour even further.

Next night, next exhibition, next free bar! Swifty this time at the No Vacancy gallery in QV where he was doing some live painting and selling Swifty logo’ed tubs of Vege-mite for $50. Best thing I saw was the cammo old school telephone with a lobster instead of the handset.
Buggered off from this and hit the N.E.R.D show (shouts to Huwba for the freebies, as if I’m gonna pay to see N.E.R.D) where they were charging extortionate prices for drinks and had very little choice. I like a little variety so alternated between whiskey and gin, but still stayed relatively sober.

The show was absolute waste! Pure self indulgent crap, it was laughable. And to rub a little salt in there was no one there. A few people on the main floor, a few up on either side and the back, but they wouldn’t let the seated people onto the main floor! Such a dumb move when the place is empty anyway. Check Huwba looking far from impressed at the attendance.

Friday my mate Brinks arrived from England to stay for a month so we had to hit the town. Ended up at The Funkoars show at the Espy after a session with Bunks and crew. This was a sick night, packed house, lots of rowdiness, lack of memories.

Although I do remember Brinkle getting his cuddle on with a random street performer on Fitzroy street in the early hours.

Check out Josh’s sick artwork featuring some of Melbourne’s favourite bench drinkers!

There followed two more days of Brinkle celebrations involving the Tornts show at Revolver on Saturday and some roof top party in St Kilda on Sunday, but I forgot my camera (or maybe the truth is the pictures are too incriminating). Yesterday was spent watching hours of Cribs and Eastenders under a blanket which is exactly where I would like to be now!
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