Days were spent doing nothing but sitting by the pool or on the beach drinking in the sun getting stupidly burnt. I'm not a massive fan of beaches, but could have spent all year chilling on the ones up there.

Going out in the Gold Coast is the worst part of it, the clubs are soo bad. Just pure mainstream waste with some absolute jokers in there. First night at some place called 'The Bedroom' (yes it had beds all over the place) for some cheesy RnB nite we saw the ultimate in wannabee G's everywhere. There were these two guys wearing sunnies inside decked out in Ed Hardy taking pics of each other all night and then checking the camera to make sure the pics were thug enough! Phazes could have definitely got away with this hat in there!

Phazes is from GC originally so we hooked up with his boys for a bit. Spent an afternoon with Choose Mics (Mules + Haunts) and dropped a verse for their upcoming album 'Beggars cant be choosers' which is sounding heeeavy! Look out for that dropping in the firs half of this year. Here's Haunts (aka David Beckham) sipping on some mad shit called, ahem, "Fairy Bomb', a strange absinthe pre-mix which was actually pretty sick.

On the last day i even managed to get dragged thru the bush (well, a very, very tame Fraksha friendly version of it anyway) to find some creek to swim in. Anyone who knows me knows i'm not into all the random weird animals and insects you find in Oz so this was major for me:) Probably everyday shit for a lot of ozzies but seeing this little fella was pretty cool for me.

I'm not much of a swimming person either (apart from water parks, they dont have sharks or crocs) buut was persuaded to go for a swim in this creek and it was fucking mad! i shit myself when it went all dark and i couldnt touch or see the bottom but soon got over that. It had these real strong currents rushing thru it so you could just lie back and float downstream.
Do you think Phazes was trying to edge me out of the shoot and focus on something else on the left hand side?

I love GC too, cheesy as it may be, there is just something about it... Did you even get to the waterparks?!?
love and light...
sometimes you just need a bit of cheese! nah i missed the waterparks! i had planned to go with a friend up there, and we started driving to it, then a little bit of the way there decided we would spend the money on vodka instead so she turned back and we went to the bottleshop and then to the beach:)
i'd also forgotten to get some prescription goggles and didnt fancy the whole idea being lead round all day like i was on a lead - i literally cant see a thing once i take these off!
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