Am i right in thinking tickets for yesterdays Laneway festival were $99? Fuck thats a rip off for something thats pretty damn crappy. Lucky then that we didnt pay :) Spent the day drinking in Section 8 then realised that a mate lives right smack bank in the centre of where the festival takes place so surely theres no way they can stop him and a few mates going round his yard!!!
So we walk up to the entrance, he flashes some ID showing his address, they just wave us through! So we bought a thimble of beer at the extortionate price of $8 before a brain wave hit us. They cant actually stop our mate from walking back and forth through the entrance with whatever the fuck he likes, so he goes on a mission to the bottlo and brings back a bag of long necks, win win win! Everyone around us is getting ripped off with shitty plastic cups after paying a oner to get in and we're sitting back enjoying our free entry and $5 long necks.
Eventually security clocks us, but realises there's not much they can do so just ask us if we wouldnt mind using plastic cups! It was a pretty shit festival though from what we saw, a real wanker fest, but it was funny seeing groups of 14 years olds gurning their chops off in the middle of the city.

Also spotted some idiot over the top cops who were threatening some young girl with pepper spray cos she was getting upset and crying at her boyfriend getting arrested. Seriously dont understand their mentality. You got some 18/19 year old girl in tears obviously upset and scared and then this 40 year old macho fool holding the can to her face screaming at her 'you'll get it next!'. Hope one day he ends up in jail without the benefit of being in the protection wing!
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