Right so i've just been freaked the fuck out! I was outside work having a cigarette just now and some elderly Sikh guy walks past intently staring at me, gets a few metres past and walks back towards me and puts his finger on my forehead. My eye's went straight to his other hand instinctively looking for a shank lol, but he just goes 'you a very lucky man, three lines in your forehead'. I was frowning at the time. He takes out a pen and a scrap piece of paper and writes something on it, screws it up and puts it in the palm of my hand and closes it. He then starts telling me how i have had an immense bad luck for the last two years (very true) and that i am a loyal good person who been fucked over my some people recently (true) and that i have money problems at the moment (definitely true haha) but due to not having the opportunity to save. I'm shaking slightly at all this and then he tells me i will live a long and healthy life until i'm 95 and that August 25th will be the beginning of my good luck (which incidently is the day after my birthday and my first full day back in England). He then writes down a figure of $50,000 on another piece of scrap paper and says this is an important figure for me. Then he asks me to pick a number between 1-10, i pick 3, and he askes me to open the piece of paper in my hand which has a 3 written on it. He asks me to blow on the paper and put it in his wallet on top of a picture of what looks like some Iconic Sikh person, he shakes my hand, gives me a small black stone, turns and walks off...he said some other stuff which i wont divulge but was 120% accurate and sent a chill up my spine...i'm a pretty cynical person generally, but this was just too strange! I googled 'sikh fortune scam' and did see some stuff, but in every story money was exchanged at some point which didnt happen here, he just walked off. I kind of expected him to ask me for some money as well. I'm not one to dwell on this too much, but 50 G's for my birthday would be sweet tho.
That's incredible, freaky and amazing!! Did he also say that you're going to get quite drunk at Fav Rock?
i do believe he did say something along the lines of, 'yes big tings agwan on saturday...you drink much agwa, yes indeed!'
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