Swung thru Sydney for the Days Like This festival with Rhys, Phazes and my flatmate Belle which was mad fun! None of the fluoro, steroid abusing wasteman contingent you get at so many festivals theses days which was a bonus. Probably the best festival I’ve been to in terms of organization and just general enjoyment, just a pity you can’t go to a festival now without there being bare cops everywhere! No matter, we still managed to get what we needed inside. Oh yeah, also caught Al Green for FREE the night before. He played an outdoor show as part of Sydney Festival for thooooousands, how good is that?
All of us looking a little murky at Al Green

Vodka gaffer tapped to thigh hurts when you remove it!

Next up was Hot BBQ down in Portsea where I was hosting Flagrants video set. Now if there ever was a total opposite to Days Like This then Hot BBQ was it! The location was beautiful, right on the coast, but unfortunately it was ridiculously windy that day turning the whole place into a dust storm. The crowd was full of the worst kind of pop tarts, the rider kept running out and the sun fucked off!
Then however we found the 'artist enclosure' and this changed everything! For those that dont know, Point Nepean where the festival is held, is an army barracks of some sort so the artist enclosure was some big compound of barracks right on the sea front which we could only get to via some 4 x 4 golf buggy type thing which was mad fun! No lack of alchohol here either! Lots of amazing food, i had too many steaks and no joke i think it was 18 chocolate eclairs! So when i found a hammock i thought sod this, i'm not going back and instead went to sleep until everyone was ready to drive home.

Next fun thing was a paint party at some warehouse on Little Lonsdale street. No idea what to expect here whatsoever but it ended up being a wicked event and left a few people wanting to hurt me (you deserved everything Soph!)
Rolled up and they gave us all white chemical suits and hospital slippers which we chilled in for a piece while taking advantage of the free bar and hot dogs. Then we were ushered into a completely white room with bar and DJ's and shitloads of buckets of paint everywhere. An alarm went off and we all basically went fucking mad chucking paint everywhere. There were bare chiefs just dabbing you with a paint brush all timid and that so there was only one thing to do but pick up multiple buckets and just start dumping on peoples heads!

Next up was the Summer Innit party in Edinborough Gardens. The last one was sick, this one smashed it! Bare people there, lots of sun, alcohol and big tunes. I did the show with Silkie the night before (which was real good, man is a heavy DJ) and he popped down and spun in the park too alongside the Heavy Innit regulars. Hopefully the sun will allow there to be another one this year.

Anyone that knows me knows i HATE spiders! Took me long enough to jump on a plane to Australia in the first place 'cos i'm so shook on them so you can imagine my horror at being bityten by a goddamn whitetail, in my bedroom of all places!!!

So being the shook one i am i refused to set foot in my bedroom for a week until i had a chance to get someone to do a sweep of the area. This meant sleeping on the couch and watching baaaare movies to get to sleep so here's my brief one line reviews of my January viewing:
The Hangover: If you don’t think this is funny then you should stick sharp things in your wrist
Freddy V Jason: Amazingly terrible film, but loved it all the same
True Romance: For some reason I'd never seen all of this. Thought it was pretty rubbish for the most part although I did fall in love with Patricia Arguette's character
Donkey Punch: Worst acting I've seen in a long while, although the death at the hands of a flare was pretty amazing! Note: The real life Donkey Punch film is pretty horrendous!!!
Platoon: Not as good as I remember as a kid, kinda comical at times too
Harry Brown: Great film, Michael Caine is a badman in this!
Taken: Laim Neeson on a big man ting in this one! The kneecap electrocution is immense!
Apocalypse Now: Tooo long! Wicked film tho, just could have been shorter
Serial Mum: One of my favourite films of the 90’s, watched this bare when I was younger and its still heavy
That was a long post, hopefully i wont neglect the blog so much again but who knows!
Last but not least, check Belle's T-Shirt : )

Shouts to Belle, Tom, Teresa and Huw for the flicks
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