Most of this week i been listening to Trim and Scratchy, just radio stuff etc etc. I'd totally forgotten how big Scratchy is to be honest, and these two together are just jokes! Swear there was talk of a joint mixtape a while back which they really need to get a move on with. Actual characters i swear!
So with the album coming out next Saturday June 6th we're on the radio promo all week. Starting on Monday night catch us on PBS on the hip hop show between 7-10pm. Listen at or 106.7fm.
Next up Friday night on the Top Billin' show on Triple R from 10-12 at or 102.7fm. They're giving us free reign of the studio for an hour takeover so tune in a hear some joints from the album as well as whatever we're feeling to play.
Then on Saturday 6th i'll be on Kiss fm with Cammo dropping all manner of grime, dubstep and whatever else. Tune in at or 87.6fm
I'll be coming down with Flago and Phazes who if you've seen their record collection should know they will have bare gems for you. I'm bringing a can of chrome to murk off any Yeezy's i see. Joookes! I aint that much of a swine
You would be if you missed this next week, its gonna be massive you know this. First time at Miss Libs for Heavy Innit and what a line up to set it off. I'm spitting with Camo's set and as a little precurser me and Camo will be doing Kiss Fm ( 87.6fm) earlier in the day (i think he said 1pm?!)
Anyone that know me knows i watch and read anything to do with Italian crime. Its always been a huge interest of mine so much so that at one point i was gonna write a book (which i gave up on 'cos i realised theres too many good books out there already and i didnt think i could offer anything new to it) and spent months compiling stacks and stacks of research which i stored at the back of a wardrobe. One evening my door was very rudely kicked off its hinges and i was detained in the kitchen of my flat in cuffs for a few hours while they had a little search and then along with some other things brought all my 'research' thru and dumped it in front of me asking, 'well whats this then?'. As if this was the basis for some sort of international crime caper i was planning! All i could do was laugh and say, 'nah, i was gonna try writing a book'. They looked a little foolish at that point.
Anyway, when i heard about 'Gomorrah' i was hyped to say the least, especially knowing it was gonna deal with the Camorra rather than the Scilian Mafia. Pretty much every review i read bigged it up as some sort of masterpiece too so i'd been waiting anxiously for it to arrive and was pleased to see it showing at the Nova on Lygon. Well, what a dissapointment! It just seemed to try far too hard and came across as way too disjointed. It followed 5 unrelated stories when i really think it would have been better off sticking to 2 or 3 and just didnt interest me. As the minutes ticked past i kept thinking 'nah, its been a bit slow so far, but it'll get better, it cant let me down', but then after i'd been sitting there for 90 minutes or so i just wanted it to end. I think a lot of other people felt the same as quite a few people bounced way before the end. I think it lost something in translation also as the Italians in the audience - of which there were a number - were laughing hard at some scenes that left me thinking, 'are they watching something else'. There were definitely soome good scenes and characters - Marco and Ciro in particular - and i thought some of the locations really added some grime to it all, but overall it just didnt do it for me.
Albums out June 6th! Grab it at JB, Itunes or your local indie...also if you were after a t shirt, we only got a handful left! Sold out of white, just black left in M, L and one last XL. Hit us up on email or accost us in the street
Yep, 2009's foulest looking shoe for sure! Did anyone keep theirs tho? I dont think i've met anyone that kept them. Everyone i know put them on ebay for between $700-1000 the week they got them! What mug would pay that!? Theres definitely a few out there 'cos everyone i know sold them.
Snatching the name from their local underage alcohol vendor, Nine High are made up of three UK MC's - Fraksha, Scotty Hinds & Felony.
From back alley rapping to releasing critically acclaimed mix tapes (First Take & Take 2), Nine High represent the UK to the fullest - with an Australian twist..
With both Fraksha & Scotty Hinds now living permanently in Australia (since 2007) and Felony residing in the UK, Nine High have already made a massive impact on the Australian scene.
Touring alongside Bliss N Eso & Phrase, collaborating with Australian artists such as Reason, M-Phazes, Mantra, Autism & Ciecmate, Nine High have been etching their name into the halls of Aussie Hip-Hop.
Written & recorded both in the UK and Australia, Nine High's self titled debut album is 15 tracks of UK Hip-Hop in it's purest form.
Kick starting the album into high gear is the thumping M-Phazes produced "Fugs Needs Hugs" which sets the scene for these 3 rhyme artists to do what they do best.
With a blatant lack of filler tracks, the highlights from the album come in the form of "Jokers"; their brutally honest exposé of fake rappers and "What Bothers Me"; which sees each MC bringing their take on society's downfalls.
But a Hip-Hop album without a braggadocio track or two thrown in just wouldn’t be a Hip-Hop album now would it? Nine High blow holes through your speakers on the heavily grime influenced “Driff Banger” and their impressive wordplay on “Roll With A Crew” are simply world class.
Production on the album comes courtesy of M-Phazes (Royce Da 5’9”, CL Smooth, Heltah Skeltah), Ghost Town (Jehst, Foreign Beggars), Jase (Pegz, Phrase), Drif (Mikey T, Lumes) & Lewis One.
With each MC bringing their own unique style to the table over an impressive array of world class production, Nine High’s debut album is set to be one of the stand out releases of 2009.
1. Fugs need Hugs **LISTEN** 2. Jokers
3. What you in it for **LISTEN** 4. Alone time
5. Life pt 1
6. Driff banger
7. Bait
8. What bothers me **LISTEN** 9. Life pt 2
10. Typical week
11. GT Bang her
12. Cookout
13. Life pt 3
14. You over there
15. Roll with a crew
Need some listening for today? Go cop Chima Anya's new mixtape. If you dont know of him, he's a good guy from back in my side of the world with a style all of his own.
Well that was an eventful Saturday night! Played sets with both AC23 + Afficks from midnight, but not before getting chased down the alleyway by stanley knife wielding youts lol...oh well, night was sick after that, another packed Wobble with people queing up the stairs and out the venue! Big up everyone for coming down, see ya next month! (played Belgrave on Friday night with Reason, 360+Pez, Seth Sentry...another good niight, packed crowd, but forgot my camera like a dickhead. The venue (Ruby's) wins my best backstage area award for sure!)
Everyone's been waiting for the video to this tune for what seems like time, well here it is and it dont dissapoint. Forget, budget and gimmicks, this is alot! Pefectly matches the hypeness of the tune
Got smashed on Sangria last night, what a wonderful drink. If you've not been before then you need to check out Mexicali Rose on Swan Street. This place is the fucking daddy!
Mexicali Rose 103 Swan St Richmond 3121 VIC (03) 9429 5550
Scotty has gone and had some T-shirts pressed up to coincide with the release of our self-titled album being released on June 6th and the release of the first single 'Fugs need Hugs' to radio this week (make sure you hit up triple j and request that shit). If you wanna grab a T-shirt, they're only $20. Either give us a shout if you see us out and about (we'll have some down at Wobble this coming Saturday night) or holla at or They also come in grey on black and sizes are medium, large and x-tra large
Man i feel scattered this morning...had a show in Sydney on Friday so flew up the night before to enjoy a day around the place instead of rushing from plane to hotel to soundcheck with no time for anything else like usually happens. Sydney reminds me so much of London, just with beaches. I spent the daytime getting lost round the manic city searching for a white t shirt after the hotel iron destroyed the one i brought. Took me about 3 hours of wandering before i found a footlocker which didnt have any that fit me, so a black one it had to be.
Reason managed to find a sale on 'Hip Hop Charisma'...i know a few people who could do with getting themselves some of that! Anyway, the show was pretty good, quite a few people out and we were joined on stage by Sydney legend Vame on decks and Dialactrix stepped up for a couple tracks too which went down well. Gotta say tho, Sydneys licensing laws are fucked! All the power was shut down at midnite and the place was empty by 12.15! Couldnt be bothered trekking back to the city so was asleep by 1.30am which dont happen to often!
Back to Melbourne for a gig at Laundry on Saturday night then off to some random rave literally under the Westgate bridge. Somehow they had managed to organise 5 soundsystems, each spinning different tunes. I spent most of the night at the DnB area drinking gin out of a plastic bottle and watching people gurning their chops off. We also heard a few screams througout the night and seeing as though the Westgate is a favoured spot for killing yourself who knows what they were all about. Wicked night, left loads of people still there at 7am as the birds started singing, got home, had curry for breakfast and then slept alllllll day!
and totally unconnected to this weekend (but i forgot to post it last week), i couldnt not stick up this photo of Flagrant on his birthday last weekend. I'm pretty sure ours was his favourite present
If like me you're perplexed and disgusted by hipsters and would like to lock them in a gallery somewhere and force them to rub napalm in each others faces then this is very funny blog to check, if only to revel in other peoples misfortunes. 99% of people on that site need burning...however this guy....i dunno even know what to say about him other than he needs some sort of position of power...and a crown! this has got to be his brother in the background innit?
First play anywhere of 'Fugs need Hugs', the lead track off next months album 'Nine High' and a short interview on Triple J last night. Skip to 48 minutes Remember the album drops on June 6th!
Baddums comes thru with the goods once again with the return of Goth Trad next month at Heavy Innit, this time at Miss Libertines. I'll be on set with Cammo on decks. If you've not been to Heavy Innit before then seriously you need to sort yourself out and get down to this one...also look out for the next Heavy Innit promo cd featuring a 35 minute studio set from SmashBro's and Mexi
Thanks to anyone who tuned in to Triple J last night. Boy them studio's were sick! No pirate station or community radio business there. I reckon we could have walked out with a few hundred thousands worth of equipment (place was empty) but i'm pretty sure we'd be the first to get questioned : )
Anyway, its not yet mid week but i'm thinking about it already. I've only played in Sydney once before, but i'm flying up this week with Reason for a show in Bondi at The Beach Road Hotel on Friday night with Hyjak + Torcha and DJ Vame. Not sure what to expect, probably a load of backpackers mixed in with a load of writers maybe? Its free as well so no excuse. I'm actually going up Thursday night so i can spend an extra day wandering about...if you know of anything happening in Syndey Thursday night then let me know. Not found a flyer sorry...
Saturday i'll be back in Melbourne and playing at Laundry with Reason + 563 in the evening. This will be alongside the big man Briggs, Social Change from S.A and plenty more. If that aint enuff for one night, Baddums is putting on the first totally free 'Heavy Innit' in the same venue, just downstairs. Did i say its free? and oh yeah, its called 'Its Alive' So thats this weekend sorted...i dunno how i'm ever gonna start this no drinking trial!
Oi oi mentioned before we have our album being released next month (June 6th to be precise), coming out thru TAOS/Obese so you'll be able to get it everywhere off and on-line, so we're on the promo mission now and tonight we'll be on Triple J's hip hop show sometime between 10-12 pm. you can listen on your radio or stream it at
We're gonna be premiering for the first time in public the lead single from the album, 'Fugs needs hugs'. You might think you know this from our last mixtape (Take Two) but this is a whole 'nother version produced by M-Phazes. The video will be on your screens in the next couple of weeks too so keep a look out for that. Anyway, make sure you tune in, you got no excuse like 'oh i'm not in Melbourne' etc etc, its national you mug! Lets see if we can wrestle some of them Triple J chart listeners away from The Veronica's and Kings of Leon!
Welcome to The Art Of Stealth (TAOS) live from Melbourne town Australia home of NINE HIGH and myself FRAKSHA. We'll be keeping you updated on all things related to NINE HIGH, grime, hip hop and dubstep and anything else that we figure might be of interest
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